Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tonight I made a simple but tasty supper featuring Lamb Patties, Shoestring veggies and Saffron rice.

Duck 1 and I were alone for supper. We sipped some wine (Merlot for me Vionger for her).
The ground lamb was mixed with sauteed onion,garlic and rosemary as well as toasted pine nuts and broiled. The Zucchini and carrots were cut on the finest mandoline blade and sauteed in olive oil and salt and pepper. Basmati rice with saffron and butter rounded out the main course. For the salad we had red leaf lettuce with grapefruit, dried cranberries and pomegranate seeds toped with the shaker mint vinigar mentioned in an earlier blog. A nice supper for a cold winter night in New Hampshire. Duck 1 is feeling a lot less pain from the wrist operation and will be able to be more active in the kitchen soon. Till then we have a cook to spare.


  1. Glad to see you made it subduck! We also had lamb tonight for dinner (chops). Your lamb sounds delicious - we will have to try it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lamb was served for dinner last night in our house. Is this similar to women in an office wearing the same color clothing without conferring? Hmmm!
