Yesterday afternoon we saw a couple selling fiddleheads by the roadside. This is the top of fern plant, which, before it unrolls to open looks like the scroll t the top of a violin's neck. Only one or two varieties of fern produce a truly edible "head". We haven't seen the right type in our own woods so we stopped to buy these. This is truly a short time treat because the season is less than a month long. We boiled the ferns in plain water for ten minutes to remove any toxins. Though not deadly they can cause some distress eaten raw. We then sauteed them in olive oil with a bit of garlic. As you can see , they stay a lovely color green and the flavor was very nice. We had planned to have Salmon and Basmati Rice for supper and the fiddleheads went very well. This is a real sign of spring here in the northeast.
Our fist crop of salad greens is about a half inch tall and I just planted peas. Some of the local farms with greenhouses are offering spinach and soon will have lettuce as well. The whole "local" food scene is starting to get more interesting.
I've never eaten fiddleheads before (at least that I can remember.) We don't see those in the Southwest!