Thursday, June 24, 2010


Many of the Cooks to Spare were in the state of Washington -- Walla Walla and Yakima -- in June. The weather was cool and rainy which meant the local strawberries were late, but the asparagus was excellent. Blonde Girls father found morels at Klicker's Berry Farm. Big morels!!! Well the cooks went to work and created a wonderful dinner. They took the morels and made a morel risotto with asparagus. What a treat!!

These are five members of the Cooks to Spare team. The sixth cook took the picture.

Then my husband and I went to Yakima to visit family and friends. My brother and his wife invited my husband to go morel hunting in the Cascades where they had a successful hunt -- 1 1/2 pounds of morels. My sister-in-law sauteed them with shallots and added a little cream at the end --that with salmon and asparagus made for a perfect meal.

Back in Baltimore, there were no morels, but there were peaches and apricots at the Farmers' Market.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Silly Snake Dogs

No, I'm not just gunning for the most ridiculous post title. This is the name of an actual recipe out of the Pillsbury Kids Cookbook. Blonde Girl's Son received it as a gift last Christmas (or maybe the one before?) and we have already made the Monster Burger recipe, so Silly Snake Dogs was the logical next step. There are fairly reasonable recipes (most involving some Pillsbury product), but of course Monster Burgers and Silly Snake Dogs are WAY more fun!

There isn't much of a recipe, besides wrapping your dogs in a tube of your favorite prepackage breadstick dough and crafting snake tongues from red bell peppers. Also, some melted cheese product is required for attaching the currants used for eyes. What we are going to do with the remaining block of Velveeta, I have no idea. I'm imagining some green chile queso dip?
Blonde Girl's Son definitely enjoyed them. We substituted grass fed all beef dogs for the specified "cheese filled hot dogs" and the end product was pretty tasty.

Also, in the interest of equal coverage, Monster Burger pic as well.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Maize from Heaven

Corn on the cob has returned in full-force to the farmers markets, supermarkets and roadside stands around Baltimore. Yesterday, I saw a man selling it out of the back of his van for $2 a dozen. It's everywhere.

With inspiration from a dish at Woodberry Kitchen, which in my opinion is the best restaurant in the city, Other Blonde Girl and I have been gobbling up this summertime staple grilled with mayonnaise and feta cheese. It is so good you'll crave it every day.

No recipe to follow here. Just drop husked ears of corn directly onto your grill. Cook, turning every couple of minutes until the ears are slightly charred. Remove and slather immediately with your favor mayo and feta cheese crumbles.

Be warned, this corn is addictive! You will want to make meals of nothing but this corn. Plan on at least two ears each.